
Informal Banquets

Informal Banquet In this, no set plan of seating is followed. Apart from this no. formality is expected from the guest side in terms of maintaining the protocols. The best. examples are the marriage parties, birthday bash, launch parties, etc. In an informal function, no formalities and procedures are followed on seating, serving, and the dress codes. The service is indiscriminate of sex and rank. These functions normally include entertainment. One can witness casual behavior of the guests in the informal functions. More normal functions are organized in the present day. For example, birthday parties, cocktail parties, wedding anniversaries, club members meet, alumni meets, etc. Functions can be further grouped into the following types according to their purpose. a) Social Function The purpose of this type of function is to meet people, make new friends, entertain oneself, and For example, cocktail parties, wedding anniversaries, birthday parties, wedding dine and dance parties, etc. b

Banquet Menu

Banquet Menu The Banquet Sales coordinator coordinates with the Chef to prepare a choice of two table d’hôte menus or give suggestions for a buffet. This makes it convenient for the customer who is always looking for suggestions, and the chef who plans meals keeping in mind factors such as availability of raw material, cost and preparation times. Atypical table d’hôte menu would include APPETISER SOUP ENTRÉE VEGETABLE SWEET DISH COFFEE Sample banquet Table d’hôte menu Mushroom with Tomato & asparagus salsa ** Creme  of Broccoli ** Grilled salmon bois bourdon Grilled Mediterranean Vegetable Salad Minted Cous Cous Rolls and Butter ** Mandarin Gauteau with Apricot coulis ** Coffee Sample Banquet Indian Table d’hôte Menu Tandoori Chicken Tikka Tandoori Paneer Tikka ** Mulligatawny Soup With wild rice garnish ** Kadai Chicken Mutton do piazza Mixed Veg Jhalfrezi AlooDum Dal ** Shahi Tukda ** South Indian Coffee   Sample Banquet buffet Luncheon Menu Appetizers Terrine of grilled Salmon S


BUFFET   The word buffet is French in origin and represents a sideboard/refreshment table. The colloquial term in English means self-service from a side table. Buffet may also be defined as a type of food service where guests pay a set amount and select from a range of food items often self-service. A wide range of dishes and the option of unlimited portions make the buffet style of service popular. All buffets generally include a combination of the following: A creative, innovative and centralized idea or theme. Stylized preparation of food in volume. Showmanship and flair. Unusual table settings and configurations. The creative, innovative and centralized theme must be conveyed through buffet presentation. Creative refers to something unusual, unique produced by imaginative thought of chef in an artistic way, while being innovative refers to incorporating new ideas by making changes in the style of presentation of food. The centralized theme refers to concept or topic which is used t

Typical Banquet Setup styles

  Typical Banquet Setup styles Classroom/Seminar-style for Business Events PR Functions (Press release, Fashion, Dealer’s Meeting, Seminars, Exhibitions) Conferences (Political, Trade Union, National Sales, International, etc) Internal or External Briefings Cl a ss r o om/ Se m i n a r  s e t u p , important points: –     The overhead projector/LCD projector table may be used for classroom setups. –     3-5 people per classroom/seminar table. –     Each seating has a pencil, a note pad, and a water glass plus coaster set in front of it. –     2 ½ feet spacing between tables. Round Tales for Formal, Social or Business Events Luncheon Dinner/Dinner Dance Buffet Wedding Annual Ball Graduation Dinner Round table set up, some important points: –     Round tables are used (normally) for formal dinner setups where smaller parties can join easily. –     Max. 10 people per table. –     Table legs are lined-up in the same direction. –     Setup ‘Molton’/under-lay before the table cloth. –     Ta


  SPACE AREA CALCULATION Here is an example of a banquet seating plan for 350 guests.31 guests on the top table. SOME CONSTANTS Size of the table: 6 Feet X 3 feet and 3Feet X 3 feet Size of the Banquet cover: 27 inches X 15 inches The working aisle (space) between two sprigs is 6 feet (minimum). The distance between the top table and sprig is: 3 feet (minimum) Distance of sprigs and the top table from the walls of the banquet hall: 5 feet (minimum)  The top table should be raised from the ground by a minimum of 6 inches to 1 foot so that each can see the guests who are seated on the top table. Calculation: Total number of guests = 350 Guests on top table =31 To know the length of the top table multiplies no. of guests on the top table by 27 inches. So 31X 27 inches =837inches, divide by 12 to convert into feet. So 837 / 12 =69.75 feet (rounded off to 72 feet(we can have 12 tables of 6’X3’). So the length of Top table is =72 feet. To know the number of sprigs, divide the length by9 feet


  STATE BANQUET PROCEDURE Toast Master –   toastmaster is typically charged with the organization of the event, arranging the order of speakers, introducing one or more of the speakers, and keeping the event on the schedule. Such meetings typically include civic events, service organization meetings, and banquets of various purposes. State banquets are distinguished from others because of the protocol. A state banquet is sponsored by the head of states or other senior diplomatic luminaries. The seating has a head table where the host and chief guests sit. It is customary for a state banquet to be preceded by a cocktail in a pre-lounge where waiters and waitresses move around with drinks in silver beverage salvers. They also take around canapés that are finger-picked items. The lounge displays a table seating plan with an alphabetical list of guests with assigned table numbers and seats. Often the invitation card would stipulate the table and seat number, otherwise, this is shown in the