
Showing posts from October, 2020

Bar Frauds

  Frauds by customer Customer walking without paying The primary kind of customer fraud is customers walking out without paying their checks. However, customers may also cheat an establishment by a number of other methods. They may claim that the food was unsatisfactory and thus indicate (usually the manager or host will make the suggestion) that they will not pay for it. Bringing foreign article Another possibility, which has occurred frequently, is for customers to indicate that their food contained some foreign matter, such as glass or china, or even an insect (perhaps even brought in by the complaining customers). Customer making unnecessary complaints Complaints are generally made to the waiter or waitress, who should in turn call the manager or host to solve the problem. Since there is always the possibility that the events did in truth occur, the normal policy is to grant free drinks or dinners to the guests to avoid embarrassment, to prevent possible lawsuits, and, of course, t

Bar Operations

Mark your attendance in comment section šŸ˜“     DEFINITION OF BAR   Definition :  Bar is licensed place where selling all kinds of alcoholic drinks and serve to the guest with charge according to policy. It usually found in hotels, cruise, resorts, casinos, clubs and other part of cities. A bar is one part of the Food & Beverage department for revenue generating area in hotels.       šŸ˜“     PARTS OF BAR          Bar mainly divided into three parts and each part has its own functions : 1. Front Bar :  It is front part of bar counter where take order form guest and serve drink by the bartender. The front of bar area is very functional area of whole bar. The height of front bar in normally is 42 to 48 inches. The width of front bat base where serve drink us 16 to 18 inches. The surface of  front bar often use water proof and alcohol proof material and should be easy to clean. 2. Back Bar :  It is back area of bar counter where bartenders are stand and work here. The back bar also consi

Videos of Gueridon service


  GUƉRIDON SERVICE: Certain qualities and attributes are expected are expected of a waiter in carrying out this forms of service. It is as well to bear the following in mind at this stage. Taking the order: It has to be remember first and foremost that you are a sales person. You must sell the dishes, which will involve you in work at the table. Suggest to the customs, item on the menu, this focusing attention in dishes. You may wish to sell. Use the carving trolley and sweet trolley as visual selling lid. Your must always have a good knowledge of the menu so as to give good discipline to the guest of the dishes available. Recognition of the host is an important factor. •Stand to left of the host, each guest should have one yourself for reference purposes. • Do not positioning yourself too close to guest as this may cause embarrassment? •Size up your host and guest according to age’s dues and nature of the party. This should then give you some indication as to the type of dishes on may

Gueridon service

 Please mark your attendance in comments ( only enrollment number) GUERIDON SERVICE. “A Gueridon” was a piece of furniture that was found in French homes, similar to what we might call a sideboard. This would be positioned in the dining room of a home and would hold most of the equipment used at the table, ie crockery, cutlery, glassware etc.   Gueridon service was originally known as ‘Russian Service’ and involved serving large joints of meat, poultry, game and fish. This food would be displayed on a sideboard or side table, then carved or portioned by service staff allowing guest to have as much or little as they wished.   During the nineteenth century Gueridon service became more popular especially in the more ‘up-market’ establishments. By the turn of the century Gueridon was an established part of fine dining.   Dating back to the Edwardian era, Gueridon (pronounced girradon) is a specially designed service trolley from which food may he carved, filleted, flambĆ©ed, or prepared and